4 Signs that Indicate Bed Bugs in Your Home
Even though bed bugs do not spread infectious diseases, they can be a disturbance and even cause health problems. But often this sounds so difficult to find out that your home has a bed bug infestation. Bites of pests like bed bugs and mosquitoes look almost the same. That’s why most people ignore their presence and this carelessness attracts the bed bugs to stay and grow in your premises.
However, Pest Control Experts wish to assist you in locating the bed bug infestation until it progresses, making treatment simpler. Keep in check the following warning signs!

- Bed bug’s Itchy Red Bites
If you have any doubt about having bed bugs hidden under your mattresses or bed frame, then you surely will notice a few things. One warning that you have bed bugs is whether you have skin itching or little red itchy welts on your face, arms, thighs, stomach, or back. If you notice such things then you must pay attention to this.
2. Unpleasant Odor
Are you recognizing any type of solid, unpalatable, smelly scent like that of a wet towel? It can be another common bed bug symptom. The odor from the wet towel can be very solid. Therefore, if you sense a scent like a filthy locker room in your bedroom then you must do an investigation and find out the actual position.
3. Look for Bed Bug Shells
When bed bugs mature, they lose their skin, so watch for light-colored husks shaped like a worm. Examine the bed pillows, blanket seams, chairs and couches, and the spaces between the cushions. Make sure to look at your drawers and clothing as well.
4. White Spots on your Furniture
The white dots on your furniture may be bed bug nests or eggshells. They are shaped like rice grains and have a clear or white tint that is often shiny. They are visible to the naked eye. However, since such eggs are often laid in the joints and seams of your mattress and furniture, searching your bed with a torch and magnifying glass is recommended. Well! Experts from a local pest control company in Stirling also give the training to perform inspections the right way. Take advantage if you live in or around Stirling.